Map |
company is located in Cisano Bergamasco, a small town halfway between
Lecco and Bergamo, in northern Italy; you can reach us from both these
- If
you come form LECCO (about 18 km, 20 mins), follow the indications
for Bergamo and, after having passed Cisano Bergamasco city border, you'll find
a gasoline reseller on the right and a little church on the left;
you must turn on the left immediately AFTER the church (GHISLANDI Street),
the offices are at the end of the road.
- If
you come form BERGAMO (about 25 km, 30 mins), follow the indications
for Lecco and, after having passed Cisano Bergamasco city center, you'll find a
gasoline reseller on the left and a little church on the right;
you must turn on the right immediately BEFORE the church (GHISLANDI
Street), the offices are at the end of the road.
Northern Italy Map
Province Map
Town Map