
Our company is located in Cisano Bergamasco, a small town halfway between Lecco and Bergamo, in northern Italy; you can reach us from both these cities:

  • If you come form LECCO (about 18 km, 20 mins), follow the indications for Bergamo and, after having passed Cisano Bergamasco city border, you'll find a gasoline reseller on the right and a little church on the left; you must turn on the left immediately AFTER the church (GHISLANDI Street), the offices are at the end of the road.
  • If you come form BERGAMO (about 25 km, 30 mins), follow the indications for Lecco and, after having passed Cisano Bergamasco city center, you'll find a gasoline reseller on the left and a little church on the right; you must turn on the right immediately BEFORE the church (GHISLANDI Street), the offices are at the end of the road.

Northern Italy Map

Province Map

Town Map




Via Ghislandi 9, Località Bisone
24034 Cisano Bergamasco (BG)

P.IVA  02442610164

Tel +39 035 781 142 - Fax +39 035 781 677